
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Consumption of fast food and cold drinks results in only destruction

Ubqari Magazine - July 2018

Uzma Shahsawar, Islamabad

You will have to believe it, as science has proven it that food of this new revolutionary age is making us sick, instead of healthy and kids have been affected with it most. Recently a food expert has stated that the amount of calcium in kid’s food is alarmingly decreasing.

As it was getting dark at night, rush on cities most busy commercial road started increasing as usual. Boards outside hostels, restaurants and fast food points started litting up. Kids with happy faces were coming with their parents. Some had balloons in their hands and some were holding shopping bags. There was a variety of food for everyone. Some were eating burgers, and some were having nihari, everything from broast to Chinese was available. I observed this whole scenario. I could not find any face worried or tensed. All were busy in eating. Nobody was thinking as I was about what future with this kind of food holds for us. Now you might think what exactly I mean by all of it? Everyone has a right to go for hoteling. There is wrong in spending some good moment of our free time with our family and friends. I am completely in favor it. In fact, it’s important to spend time with family and friends for a good happy life. But would you believe if I say that these kind of eating habits will result in arthritis, heart issues and week bones in your kids in next 25 to 30 years? You will have to believe it.


As science has proved it now that the food of today’s era is making us sick and not healthy and kids are suffering more than any other. Just recently a food expert, nutritionist has stated that the amount of calcium in kid’s food has been reduced to an alarming level. As a result, the chances of our kids being more prone to diseases in future are quite high. Deficiency of calcium is more of a silent killer for coming generation. But the thing is, that we are obvious of this fact. Calcium plays a significant role in our nervous system. In building all those tissues that takes the messages from brain to other parts of our body. It plays a significant role, its deficiency results in many diseases, like once you start getting problems in your heart, it can’t be fixed easily, as it is a vital of our body. Calcium can be easily digested in our body. It accumulates in desired amount in some specific parts of our body, and the rest of it just goes out of it. this is a continuous practice that our body performs till we die. When our body loses this balance of calcium, like if it starts wasting it more than accumulating it in desired quantity, then there it shows the problems. We can only detect the problem through blood examination. But as we our mostly unaware of it, we usually do not go for blood examination until or unless something serious happens with us. And as luck would have it, if someone complaining about the pain in joints, doctors instead of focusing on main issue (deficiency of calcium) they start treating other diseases. The negative and acidic properties of fizzy drinks and fast food eliminate all calcium elements from our body. There is a very negative trend now prevailing in our society, which is mostly in the class where the both parents working and on jobs. As they cannot spend time with their kids, they fulfil every desire of their kid, to get rid of their guilt. Most of them take kids out to restaurant and the food they eat their directly attack kids glass of milk. Not consuming sufficient amount of milk ends up showing deficiency of calcium in children and id shows up later in old age in different health issues. But in that age increasing the amount of calcium becomes useless, as the damage done could not be reversed. 30% of the deaths in the world are due to “osteo peruses” a disease in which our bones develop holes and started shedding and finally becomes hollow and if a bone gets broken, the process pf its apotheosis is so very slow.

Pain in joints is now very common and intolerable. Women are most affected by it as it is related to their hormonal system as well.

During menopause, when women do not get estrogen naturally, they are prescribed some hormones through medicine which at the end and results in breast cancer. So, it’s better to take enough and sufficient amount of calcium on daily basis through proper diet to maintain healthy bones.

Supplements available in pharmacies take longer time to get absorbed, so a better option is to get it through proper healthy diet. Normal daily value of calcium required by men and women is 800mg. while during pregnancy; a woman needs 1200mg on daily basis. Although the required amount of calcium varies and determined by ones wait as well but for children as they keep growing fast its fine if they consume calcium as much as the adults do.
One glass of milk, one cup of yoghurt or one ounce of cheese or a cup of ice cream is enough source of calcium while one glass of fresh orange juice provides only 100mg calcium. Most of the young girls do not like to drink milk, in order to avoid weight gain, they can easily drink skimmed milk. Vitamin D in milk helps absorb calcium in body.
People of every age group should drink minimum one glass of milk daily. There are 150 calories in one glass of whole milk while 120 calories in skimmed milk. While in contrast, fizzy drinks contain more calories so the better option is to get calcium through milk and healthy diet.

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